Saturday, November 7, 2009

Apartment Needed

I find mysell in need of a place to stay. Starting tonight... I cannot be here anymore. I don't kno where I am going to go. But I have to go. I guess the backseet of my car looks better than this freaking hell hole.
I must have aged 10 years in the last year. I look like hell. My Face is a trainwreck of acne and bumps. I have never had acne in my life.

I have spent days trying to put my thoughts together for his counseling sesssion on tuesday morning. Well It's his session but I am to go alone. Which I do not want to do . I have a therapist I do not need to see his. He does. But he goes in there and lies to him. He lies to himself . Oh the only thing I care about is making her happy.. Bullshit!!

He wants to make me happy if he doesn't have to physically do anything or put any work in to make that happen. I wanted to make things work, but you can't work alone.. I wish I could be the hero of my own story. But when someone puts up roadblocks on every road you try and travel. You find your self left with nowhere to go.
So here I am left with nowhere to go. I am however not all dressed up............

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